
Glaxo Plans to Remove Zinc from Denture Creams

The maker of Poligrip denture creams has decided that they will cease to include zinc laden formula in their products as a result of the several accusations and lawsuits that have come up against them.

The lawsuits lately have claimed that they are using far too much zinc in their formula and this can lead to neurological problems. There have been reported cellular damage and blood problems as well as alleged crippling that have come to be some of the effects that are caused through over use of zinc.

GlaxoSmithKline will thus stop making these creams which have been reported to be causing some of these problems. Super Poligrip Original, Ultra Fresh and Extra Care are some of the main products that have been reported to continue high amount of zinc. These are all available in the US and these products are going to be reviewed and revamped according to a lower zinc containing formula so they continue to be within safe zones.

The London based company has had over $250 million sales in their denture products. But the safety of the products have been repeatedly questioned especially with those that come with adhesive and the extra cream to correct ill fitting dentures.

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