
7 Commandments for Pain Patients

Pain Patients

Pain can become a “stress” if it persists for a longer period and chronic as well. As a result of chronic pain and probability of overuse of pain medications can result in serious physical and emotional problems.

image by Seegul

Following are some of the things even you can say as commandments each and every pain patients should follow to get rid of the pain.

1.    Going Fresh and Green:

Green foods are usually devoid of preservatives and additives, and will ease the symptoms of pain triggered by preservatives and additives. An even better option is organic foods that are devoid of pesticides and insecticides.

Additives like mono-sodium glutamate (MSG) have been observed to cause trouble for pain patients. MSG, a high flavor enhancer has often been added to fast foods, Chinese foods and processed packaged foods and is an excitatory neurotransmitter that may stimulate pain receptors increasing pain and pain symptoms. The level of mono-sodium glutamate especially in the spinal fluid is very important and plays a major role in influencing pain development. Avoidance of processed and canned foods and the use of organic and fresh foods are encouraged.

image by kid_kenshin

2.    Cut Down The “Bad” Caffeine:

An imbalance created in the synthesis of sensory chemicals of the brain and the nervous systems have been linked with restless sleep and fatigue.  Even though caffeine intake gives an initial and immediate boost of energy, in excess gets retained and circulating in the blood system for long hours and keeps one awake, thereby resulting in insomnia and unnecessary alertness.

Thus, can lead to changes in blood pressure and aggravate pain symptoms. The intake of decaffeinated substances is rather an alternative option.

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3.    Veggie Paradox:

Normally the “healthy, goody” veggies are usually consumed for low calorie healthy option and are not as always as “goody good” as most of them assume. For example, night shade plants like tomatoes, potatoes and egg plants have chemical substances that have similar effects like neurotoxins, which are therefore, assumed to be reasons for triggering pain.

image by Darwin Bell

4.    Go ‘Fish’y:

Omega-3-fatty acids, a good fat, found in salmon and a variety of other fish, has been branded as a heart-healthy food, but they may also help in alleviating pain symptoms. This good fatty acid reduces inflammation and helps in better functioning of the brain. They probably do this by regulating the flow of blood carrying oxygen by reducing the constriction of blood vessels due to deposition of ‘bad’ and ‘not so good’ fats, thereby preventing atherosclerosis and resultant cardiovascular diseases.

image by staceyviera

5.    Beware of “helpful” Yeast and Gluten:

Yeast along with gluten contributes to the growth of yeast fungus whose cellular components may have pain elicitors and stimulators. Yeast is found in various products, not excluding the ‘Indian batter‘ and  one has to think twice before taking a bite from the nearby bakery……………..hmmmmmmm………lot of yummy cakes, breads, doughnuts and tarts, and the not to be missed birthday cakes, well at least until the cause for pain is eliminated.

image by pinjing.eats

6.    Prevent Carbo Crash:

Carbo crash are of common occurrence in hypoglycemic patients, who thus in the end will result in less energy and low oxygen in the blood resulting in increased sensitivity to pain.  The recommended diet is to limit on the carbs with an increase in the mixture of protein and fats. Thus, you will create a good repository of energy to compensate when an energy loss happens in the future.

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7.    Shun Sweeteners and Sans Junk Food:

Getting off the aspartame, an artificial sweetener and a polypeptide can make some pain patients feel better. Artificial sweeteners found in the diet soda and sugar-free snacks are part of a chemical group called excitotoxins, which activates neurons that can increase sensitivity to pain and heightens sensitivity to pain.

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Limiting or eliminating refined sugar, caffeine, alcohol, fried foods, red meat, and highly processed foods- most fast food, candy, and vending-machine products that are the main source of artificial sweeteners will aid in controlling the elicitation of pain. These diet-wreckers can also be a headache to the immune system as disrupt your sleep a lot.  Another annoying factor is that it also develops some unhealthy eating habits which may lead to various defects as well.

Thus, “Pain, pain can go away, only if healthy lifestyle comes again!”

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