
Orange Unveils New Mobile Gaming Offerings

Mobile Gaming

There are some amazing gaming offers being provided by Orange. Several different types of games were provided by Orange today and this has just expanded the availability and customer usage of their services. Several of these games are compatible in the Android as well as iPhone sets. Also most of these games very interestingly provide plenty of opportunity to carry out different types of competitions and this is always entirely easier because new customers can be brought in this way. Some of the interesting games offered included games like Playtomo as well as Games Zone.

Orange iPhone games are also being offered. Some of the interest variations of games offered include Playtomo which is a new social gaming service. This app is used by Facebook and other social networking sites. There are several different free games on offer as well that make it all the more interesting. This is aimed at all the users who want more social networking options among other factors.

The other option includes Games Zone which is also a very interesting kind of gaming service for which about five pounds a month need to be provided. All of these are pretty interesting gaming ideas which are also excellent deals for users.

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