
How Can I Make my Business Much More Competitive?

In all areas of commerce, any manager worth their salt wants their business to be the best and most successful – but this can be easier said than done. Especially when you consider the large number of new and established businesses you are directly competing with.

The hard reality to face is you need to try and gain the edge over the rest in order to be a success; which is where this post can help. So if you are looking to make your business more competitive, read on to discover some of the ways to do so.

make the business more competitiveImage credit:  Steve Jurvetson

Improving your Image

There’s an old adage that ‘first impressions count’ and in business this is especially relevant. If you have a company website potential customers will judge you based on the quality of it. Equally, any business cards, brochures and official documents associated with you that look tired and basic, certainly won’t impress your clients. Take the time to choose attractive and appealing colours and designs that aesthetically match your operations and leave the best impressions.

Offering Something Different

By being able to offer clients something a little bit different, can go a long way to improving your popularity. A very straightforward example, which e-commerce businesses in particular can benefit from, is providing customers with a fast or even same-day delivery service. What’s better about this option is that there are external providers like TNT UK who can do this for you, instead of you having to spend time and effort organising it.

Get the Best from your Staff

Contrary to popular thinking, being a competitive business is not just about what you can do for your customers. You should also invest in your staff – after all your business cannot function without them.

Set aside funds to provide them with training and development courses, and over time, they can reward you with an improved skillset that they invest back into improving your business through a higher standard of work.

Regularly do your Research

To refer to another commonly used phrase: ‘know your enemy’, you can treat your competitors in the same way. Keep abreast of what offers and services they have which could make them appear more favourable to customers. Then, simply try your best to match this, or if possible provide cheaper/better value deals and conveniences.

While not all of these options will necessarily apply to your business directly, they can be adapted to suit your needs. Be sure to try some of these different strategies and soon you could find yourself streaks ahead of the competition.

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Jyotsna Ramani is a passionate writer and an avid globetrotter. She had a knack for writing since her early years, though that was mostly letters to her penpals and jotting her thoughts down in her "Dear Diary". Over the years, she realized how her hobby could turn into a full time career and she started writing web content, books and pieces for local magazines. There has been no looking back ever since. Follow Jyotsna Ramani at Google+

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