
5 Ways to Protect Your Startup Online Business

If you’re thinking of setting up your own online business, it’s important that you have a plan in place. As your business begins to grow, so do the number of potential cybersecurity threats. When you factor in that over 60% of small companies have experienced some form of cyber-attack, being in the know and protecting your business is crucial. With that in mind, here are five ways to protect your startup online business.

Online Business
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Pick a Secure Hosting Service

Every successful startup online business needs to have a website that’s professional. While you may already have a great design in place, this won’t get you very far, especially if you have chosen the wrong hosting company. To ensure your website is hosted by a reliable provider, you need to make sure that they’re PCI compliant, which will give you the reassurance that your website’s payment and checkout processes are safe and protected from hackers. Picking a hosting provider that will give your website an SSL certificate is also advised.

Backup Frequently

As a business owner, the last thing you want is for your data to be lost or stolen, therefore, performing regular backups is recommended. If you have a backup of all your important documents that are securely stored, this means that you’ll be able to recover them easily, especially if you find yourself a victim of a cyber-attack. If you need to retrieve data, you may be interested in contacting SecureDataRecovery locations who operate in over 40 cities to provide fast and reliable professional services.

Protect Your Computer Network

Keeping your computer network protected is crucial. To add an extra layer of security, you will need to choose reliable anti-malware and anti-virus products. If you can, select a package that features malware cleanup and website penetration testing. Doing so will enable you to locate any malware that has found its way onto your network.

Use a Secure Wi-Fi Network

To get onto the internet, we all need to use a Wi-Fi network, however, what you may not realize is the network you use may not be safe. To avoid any security threats, you need to ensure that your Wi-Fi network is encrypted. Also, changing your Wi-Fi password on a regular basis is just as important, especially if you have a guest network that your customers and clients use. When connecting to a public Wi-Fi network, you need to be extra careful as you can never be too sure about who is accessing your personal data.

Set Up Firewall

To make sure your internal networks are safe from threats, you will need to install firewalls on your PC servers, as well as all the office devices that you and your employees use, such as smartphones, computers, and laptops. The main aim of a firewall is to monitor incoming and outgoing network traffic.

Picking a secure hosting service, backing up your data frequently, protecting your computer network, as well as setting up a firewall are just a few ways on how to protect your startup online business. If you’re new to the business world, it can be hard to know where to start, so make sure to start off by having strong passwords for your network and contact a forensics specialist if you need to retrieve data.

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I love to share business and lifestyle content with all related communities. With a focus on content marketing and branding, I hope to inspire you to improve the performance of your online business.

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