
3 Things to Make Sure You Don’t Overlook When Attending an Outdoor Event

Going to trade shows, or an outdoor event that allows you to show off your product is a great way to get your company name or product out into the world. Lots of people attend these events, and will want to get a good look at your product or company service.

However, there are things you shouldn’t overlook if you’re attending or sponsoring this kind of event. It could be a long day outside, and no matter if it’s hot or cold out, you can be susceptible to some adverse conditions. Here are some things you shouldn’t overlook when you’re attending one of these outdoor events.

Canopy or Event Tents

Not only do these canopy and event tents show off your product or your company super well, they’ll also keep you from the outside elements. Whether it starts to rain or snow out of nowhere, or it’s blistering hot outside, these will keep you safe in mild conditions as you’re selling your product to the public who have also attended this event.

If you were to have a booth without a canopy over top it, you could make it that much easier to get a sunburn, or get sick in someway.

Water and Food

Even if your event is in the winter time, you still need to make sure you stock up on water. Becoming dehydrated while you’re working is always a risk, and it’s even more so when you are spending your time outside. Of course, this is even more applicable in the summer time, when temperatures rise to ridiculous degrees. However, it’s always a good habit to get into. Make sure you keep water on you, and ideally, try to keep it at lukewarm temperatures instead of making the water ice cold.

Water and Food
Image by Peter Galvin

Keeping food at your tent or booth is always a good idea, too. If your partner is running late to take over for you so you can have a lunch break, or there isn’t a food booth near by, this is a good idea so that you don’t make yourself too hungry. Keeping it in a cooler underneath your tent can keep your food discreet and concealed until you need to grab it.

Proper Clothing

At an outdoor event for your product or company, you want to make sure you’re dressed appropriately. Ideally, you’ll want to sport a polo shirt or a t-shirt with your company’s logo. This would work well in the spring and summer months, especially. Even under a canopy tent, though, try to avoid wearing lots of black if at all possible.

Proper Clothing
Image by Jon Sullivan

In the winter months, you may want to keep your company shirt underneath, but make sure you’re wearing a proper coat to keep you from freezing and making yourself ill. Not wearing a thick enough coat will easily make you miserable, which won’t look good when you’re trying to sell your product or company service to customers who may be walking by your tent.

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