
Boyfriends, Listen Up: What to Give Your Girlfriend for Christmas

Having a girlfriend can be one of the best things you have going for you. When you’re lucky enough to have a girl in your life whom you care about it seems like anything is possible. You’re able to spend time with someone you care about and you’re never awkwardly alone at uncomfortable parties.

Christmas-giftHowever, if there’s one thing that strikes fear into the hearts of boyfriends everywhere it’s this: Christmas shopping.

You’re probably already aware that shopping for the perfect Christmas gift is difficult and frustrating, but shopping for your girlfriend takes it to whole new level. It’s not like shopping for your mom; she’s kind of obligated to like whatever it is that you pick for her. Your girlfriend, on the other hand, is probably going to let you know straight away if you’ve failed in the gift-giving department.

We can’t let that happen.

Here are some handy tips that will ensure that your girlfriend is thrilled with the gift she finds under the tree, and you may even get a moment under the mistletoe for a job well done.


A lot of guys might think that girls aren’t really into electronics but they’d be wrong, so wrong. Girls like gadgets just as much as guys do, so if your girlfriend is into all things techie then you can’t go wrong. The hard part will be setting a price limit and sticking to it.

For those of you on a budget, why not consider an accessory for something that she already has? If she’s a photography buff, take a look at a new lens for the camera that she already has or renew her subscription to Photoshop. You could also buy her a few apps for her phone or tablet that she’s been eying or pick up some speakers or new ear buds.

If you’re a little bit more well-endowed in the money department, why not get her something amazing? A gaming system, a new laptop, or a new phone would all be well-received on Christmas day.


If the idea of picking out clothing for your girlfriend strikes fear into your heart, don’t worry. That’s what sales associates are for! If you go into a ladies’ clothing store and look a little lost, the women who work there will rush to your aid in a heartbeat.

You obviously know your girlfriend’s style, but why not try something a little different? Head to the formal wear department and choose a cocktail dress for her. Then make a reservation at a fancy restaurant and tuck a note into the gift box requesting her presence, in the dress, at the restaurant.

We guarantee that this gift is something she’ll always remember.

Stocking Stuffers

Whether you and girl have agreed to exchange only small gifts, or you want to supplement a larger gift with something fun, stocking stuffers are a great way to go. You have endless possibilities with smaller gifts and you don’t always have to be so serious.

Why not fill her stocking with a few pairs of cute and funky socks and tights, some of her favorite candy, gift cards for her daily lattes, or a few pieces of costume jewelry? You could even fill the stocking with little clues for a fun Christmas treasure hunt. Anything goes when it comes to stocking stuffers ideas for Christmas so get creative and really show her that you care.


If you’re more likely to find your girlfriend in the library as opposed to the club then you know you can’t go wrong with books. Whether she’s a full-fledged book worm or just likes to curl up with a good novel on a rainy day there are more than enough book choices available to make you the hero on Christmas morning.

Whether it’s romance, non-fiction, mystery, or poetry, a visit to your local bookseller is sure to yield the perfect gift. Again, if you tell the sales associate that you’re shopping for your significant other they can always help you find the book that you didn’t even know you were looking for.

Of course, there is always an Amazon gift card as a last resort. That way you’ll at least know that she got exactly what she wanted.

See? Christmas doesn’t have to be the dreaded season of failed attempts at shopping that you thought it was. Take a few of these tips, use them wisely, and watch your holiday season get a whole lot merrier.


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Saba Idris is currently a web content writer who has always been enthusiastic about learning new skills. Follow Saba Idris on Google+

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