
Losing Weight For A Wedding Just Got Easier – 4 Tips To Follow

Losing Weight For A Wedding

Undeniably, preparing and getting ready for your wedding day is a rollercoaster ride with ups and downs, and twists and turns. Every girl dreams of a wedding nothing short of a fairy tale fantasy. Be it the perfect white and flowy gown, the flowers, the venue, and last but not the least – herself looking perfect on that day.

Here are some tips and tricks to follow in order to lose weight healthily.

Losing Weight For A Wedding
Image by Pexels

1) Hydrate Before Your Big Day:

It’s vital for a bride to drink lots of water every day at least a month before her big day. Drinking a lot of water can help you lose weight. Besides, it’s useful to flush out all the toxins from your body that might cause you to break out.

Water will also make your skin look replenished, moisturized, soft, and supple. It’s ideal for preventing one from eating too much or avoiding unnecessary hunger pangs. Make sure to avoid all carbonated drinks, sodas, and artificial juices. Remember, sticking to water and natural juices is the secret recipe of a glowing face.

2) Maintain A Proper Diet:

Who doesn’t want to lose a few extra pounds to look extra special on their big day? If you’re thinking about crash dieting, we suggest you drop this idea. Crash dieting is a poor method of losing weight because it’s unhealthy and the lack of nutrition will make you look like a zombie instead of having that dewy wedding glow! Of course, no bride would want that.

Maintain A Proper Diet
Image by Pixabay

The importance of maintaining a healthy diet cannot be stressed enough. One great misconception about dieting is that it involves eating no food for a long period of time. A proper diet is a balanced diet full of small portions and nutrients the body needs. Make sure you have enough protein, cut down on carbs, and get rid of sugar completely. Adding lots of fruits and vegetables is a great way to keep yourself full and lose weight for your big day.

Some might consider going for a juice cleanse but it’s not advisable as juices alone are unable to provide the required intake of proteins to your body.

3) Visit A Doctor:

Is your obesity uncontrollable to an extent that it’s leading to health issues? If yes, there are various options you could consider. Some brides might even resort to liposuction. Las Vegas plastic surgery performed by a world class surgeon is their common stop, so if you’re experiencing the same problem, do some additional research.

4) Exercise Daily:

Starting a strict workout regime for at least 6 months prior to the wedding can do wonders for you. It’s an effective way to shed excess fats. Besides helping you build up lean muscles, exercising helps release all the stress and tension that builds up before the big day. It’s also a great way to build up the strength and stamina to greet all your guests on the wedding day.

Perhaps, your gym instructor has suggested an effective exercise regime to help you fit into that wedding dress, you bought on, perfectly.

5) Get Enough Sleep:

Sleeping well directly affects your energy levels and the way you look. Though applying the right concealer may hide those dark circles, you can look fresh naturally through a sleep routine. Nobody wants wrinkles, a tired look and bags under their eyes on their wedding day.

If you wish to look good and rock a hot bod on your big day, follow these tips. Most of all, don’t forget to enjoy yourself every step on the way!

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Jyotsna Ramani is a passionate writer and an avid globetrotter. She had a knack for writing since her early years, though that was mostly letters to her penpals and jotting her thoughts down in her "Dear Diary". Over the years, she realized how her hobby could turn into a full time career and she started writing web content, books and pieces for local magazines. There has been no looking back ever since. Follow Jyotsna Ramani at Google+

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