
Top Tips To Select a Perfect Wedding Venue

Perfect Wedding Venue

Your wedding is a time to celebrate and capture the memorable moments the best way possible. Of course, you need a wedding dress that stands out and the perfect wedding ring. But do you really give the due thought selecting your wedding venue? If not, you should make it your top priority to select the venue that suits you and your personality. For those who are not sure how to go about it, we have compiled some tips that would help you select a perfect wedding venue:

Perfect Wedding Venue
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Prepare in Advance

Start by jotting down all ideas on paper. This is an excellent way to put things in order at once place. So, what exactly do you need to prepare?

Guest List

What make your wedding special are your friends and family members. Make sure the venue you select has plenty of space to accommodate them. List down all the guests with names on a piece of paper and categorize them for day and night time. Go through the list twice to make sure you do not miss any important person. This also works best if you have to cut short the list due to budget constraints.


Perhaps the most important aspect in selecting your venue is the budget. Therefore, you must be well aware of your finances and spend accordingly. Your wedding venue will affect the subsequent aspects:

  • The bigger the venue the more guests you can invite – see if a country house would suit you or a garden marquee.
  • Your wedding theme – Do you find it enticing to be married in a boutique hotel or you love to start your new journey in a rustic country manor?
  • The Style – Ofcourse the venue must go along the dress designs guests would be wearing.


If you are arranging an outdoor wedding, the weather would play an important role in making it glamorous or the opposite. It is wise to book an indoor venue for ceremony, main meal and evening party. However, if you really desire to arrange an outdoor function, you must ensure that the canopy you choose is capable to protect guests against rain and storm. Checking weather apps, tuning weather forecast on TV and studying the typical weather in a particular month would help you make the arrangements properly.


Though you may want venue near your residence, but think about your guests too. Ask yourself the following important questions:

Are you looking to get married in a church? That’s possible only if you or your spouse to be reside within the Parish or have family terms with the church. Transport to the reception venue is an extra cost to bear.

Is your venue easily accessible? Ensure all guests could find the location easily and do not get lost. Let them know the facilities available at the venue like guest accommodation etc.


Looks all the ingredients are available to cook the perfect recipe. You have picked the location, finalize the guests and know the budget in hand. It’s time to shortlist what you need on the wedding day.

Required Features

Though everyone enjoys their wedding in a different way, a few things are a must. For instance, after the wedding vows and main meal, you would love to entertain your guests till the night. To make the day special, you can either go for a professional wedding entertainer or pick a DJ who would play amusing songs. Apart from it, you need a professional photographer to capture the memorable moments. Make sure the venue you select has proper lighting arrangements, otherwise be ready to curse the photographer later. Ask the venue administrator if they offer intelligent lighting arrays, up-lighting and projected in-house gobos. If not, you might have to find the one, which could accommodate extra lighting services.

Wedding Themes

There is a plothera of wedding themes available online for couples now. From a historic wedding theme to classic ideas, you can pick any setting as per your liking. Once you select one, plan well to perfect it. Make sure the theme complements everything from bridesmaid dresses to bouquets. Not sure what would work best for you, we recommend Cairn Group for consultation.

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Jyotsna Ramani is a passionate writer and an avid globetrotter. She had a knack for writing since her early years, though that was mostly letters to her penpals and jotting her thoughts down in her "Dear Diary". Over the years, she realized how her hobby could turn into a full time career and she started writing web content, books and pieces for local magazines. There has been no looking back ever since. Follow Jyotsna Ramani at Google+

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