
Samsung Promotes 3D Glasses for their new 3D TV

Samsung has quickly come up in the list of companies that provide world class consumer electronics and appliances and now Samsung is more keen on providing the 3D technology to its consumers. the craze for 3D TVs is already taking off and therefore consumers are now buying 3D TV sets that would help them to watch their favorite movies and TV programs in 3D. However, to see that they would require 3D glasses that can only be available when they buy television sets. However, Samsung has recently announced that they have opened a new website that will allow the company to provide their consumers with the promotional 3D glasses that they never received when they bought the TV.

Samsung said that when they were doing the promotion they had announced that all the customers who would purchase their 3D TVs during the promotion would received two pairs of 3D glasses, but many of them only received one pair of 3D glasses. Hence, now they have launched a direct website that would allow consumers to contact Samsung and get their additional pair of 3D glasses that they should get. Samsung announced that all the customers now do not run to the retailers for their 3D glasses because they can now provide the information on the website and Samsung will directly provide the 3D glasses to the consumers.

For this all the customer has to do is log on to the website and make their claim. However, all claims must be made within 90 days of purchase date and customers should also provide the proof of purchase. There are other rules and details provided on the website and consumers are required to read the information before they make their claims for their pair of 3D glasses. On the other hand, Samsung has also cut down the prices of their 3D glasses so that consumers can buy more pairs of 3D glasses for their family members. Samsung realizes that people are now interested in enjoying 3D entertainment and therefore bringing down the prices of their 3D glasses will certainly boost the sales of their 2011 Samsung 3D TV model.

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Jyotsna Ramani is a passionate writer and an avid globetrotter. She had a knack for writing since her early years, though that was mostly letters to her penpals and jotting her thoughts down in her "Dear Diary". Over the years, she realized how her hobby could turn into a full time career and she started writing web content, books and pieces for local magazines. There has been no looking back ever since. Follow Jyotsna Ramani at Google+

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