
Top 10 Gadgets That Make You Lazy

Gadgets are small machines or devices which can be used either electrically, electronically, mechanically or even manually and are meant to assist in the completion of task in much lesser time than usual. In other words, these new and innovative gadgets are meant to make our lives much easier and trouble free.

However, with each gadget reaching higher standards in advancement than its preceding counterpart, it can safely be said that these are gadgets that make you lazy. Indeed gadgets can make things simpler and hassle-free and avail access to an infinite space of entertainment at the tips of the fingers, but these are also the devices that are stealing away the benefits of a healthy and active lifestyle.

Let’s take a glance at the top 10 gadgets that make you lazy…..

1. Tablet PC

Tablet PC is one of the electronic gadgets that considerably contributed in making people lazy. Someone who owns one of the tablet PCs and has an internet connection wouldn’t even need to get out of the bed, unless he/she has to go to the office or to the loo. This is because a Tablet PC offers you all kinds of facilities and luxuries at your fingertips.

Tablet PC

  • You can order your meal from a restaurant or any other eatery.
  • You can catch the latest news and read new books without having to go to the library.
  • You can meet and chat with friends and see what’s going on with them with sites like Skype, Twitter or Facebook.
  • You can pay your bills
  • You can even shop for groceries and
  • You can watch all the latest shows, TV series and movies on it by getting it subscribed from your local satellite TV network.

2. Smart Phones

Smart-PhonesSmart phones have advanced so much in technology that for many aspects it has easily replaced your tablet PC and even your TV. People have literally become addicted to their smart phones and it seems that everyone, including kids as young as 13 – 14 years of age, own a smart phone. The smartphone can be used for all the same tasks that are mentioned above for a Tablet PC and it has the added advantage of being more handy and portable. They cost less and also serve as a means of telecommunication and therefore are one of the gadgets that make you lazy.

3. Universal Remote Controls

by Malabooboo

When the first remote controlled TV and toy car came, it certainly appeared as a luxury; however luxury and convenience have been redefined with the introduction of universal remote controls. These fancy looking universal remotes can be programmed for a number of electronic devices in the home; like air conditioners, stereos, TVs, heating system and the sort.

The universal remotes are certainly gadgets that make you lazy as you don’t even need to hold on to or look for remotes of other things. There are many remotes that are now coming with Bluetooth enhancement instead of LED signals which means that you don’t even have to lift your hands to point at the particular device. You can simply keep resting your hand on the couch and press a button and whether the device is the same room or the next, will be activated.

4. Automatic Lawn Mowers

by jbquig

For people who want to avoid going to the gym or working out, mowing a lawn is a perfect substitute. But now even that luxury is robbed by gadgets that make you lazy. Automatic lawn mowers have the ability to give you a perfectly mowed lawn without doing anything.

5. Remote Controlled Dog Walking RC Car

Walking a dog, used to be a pleasurable activity when people were compelled to do a light bit of exercise when they took their dogs out. However, now gadgets have redefined the whole dog walking activity. Now, people can actually attach a leash of the dog to the large remote controlled RC Car and watch it head out into the streets without having to move.

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6. Automatic Pet Feeders

Automatic-Pet-FeedersAutomatic pet feeders are another kind of gadgets that make you lazy. Thanks to such gadgets, owning and caring for a pet doesn’t seem like a huge job at all. You can take your dog out for a walk with a remote controlled car and now you can feed it with a remote controlled system too. The automatic pet feeders are designed in such a way that you can set a timer on it to dispense the food in particular amount on the timers.




7. Remote Controlled Tissue Boxes

Remote-Controlled-Tissue-BoxesYou know how it happens that whenever you want a tissue, the tissue box is always somewhere far (at least from your arm’s reach.) and it is amazing when you ponder over it that you can order a meal from the restaurant and other stuff from across the continents, but you have to get up to get the tissue paper. Thanks to the remote controlled tissue boxes and other gadgets that make you lazy, you don’t have to get up any more, not as long as people keep inventing remotes and movable items to make the objects come to you.



8. Automatic Self-Stirring Mugs

by Defragged

Who would’ve thought that one day people would even get tired of stirring their teas and coffees? Well, apparently someone did and therefore came up with the automatic self-stirring mugs. You have done yourself a favour by pouring tea or coffee into your mug, now let it do the rest. With a simple push of a button located conveniently on the handle, the brew in the mug will be automatically stirred. How is that for simple gadgets that make you lazy?




9. Motorized Ice Cream Cone

by litlnemo

There was a time, indeed, when both adults and kids used to think that licking and eating ice cream from cone is fun. However now there is even a gadget that automatically rotates the scoop so that you don’t have to rotate it yourself. All you need to do is keep it near your mouth and take your tongue out.




10. Electric Toothbrush

by ralphbod

Remember all those times, professional dentists were called to the schools to give lecture and demonstration to students about how to properly brush the teeth and for how long? Well, now thanks to the many gadgets that make you lazy, all the dentist would now say is “Use an electric toothbrush.” With an electric toothbrush, the only thing left to do is place the brush along the teeth and it will do the rest; no circular movements required at all.

Written by

Jyotsna Ramani is a passionate writer and an avid globetrotter. She had a knack for writing since her early years, though that was mostly letters to her penpals and jotting her thoughts down in her "Dear Diary". Over the years, she realized how her hobby could turn into a full time career and she started writing web content, books and pieces for local magazines. There has been no looking back ever since. Follow Jyotsna Ramani at Google+

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