
Cars of Tomorrow Would Be Safer, Environment Friendly and More Comfortable

Auto manufacturers around the world are working hard to build cars that are more efficient, safer and comfortable. The biggest revolution of the 21st century is the self-driving capabilities of vehicles. Tesla, Audi, Ford, Mercedes, Waymo, Uber, BMW and other companies are striving to introduce fully autonomous cars in the market in the next few years. What else the future cars would feature to attract the customers? YourParkingSpace has made some research and created an infographic, which explains just that.

According to the infographic, the future cars will boast safety sensors and advanced cameras to monitor the surroundings. Just like smartphones, we will be able to open our cars by a thumb impression. Theft protection systems would be more common in the next vehicles. Similarly, future vehicles will be environment friendly with low to zero emissions. They will solely run on batteries that could be charged through regenerative braking and solar energy. The interiors too would be a lot more advanced and interconnected.

To know what else the future cars would have, read through the infographic.

future cars infographic


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