
New Content at Nintendo Download Including Tori Tori 2, Castlevania

If you have visited Nintendo Download front, I am sure you will be smiling broadly since there is a lot of variation today. Tori Tori 2,that has been long awaited, is ready for you to download and is available on Wii U at Nintendo eShop. Two Tribes, the developers of Tori Tori, promised ahead of its launch that they will be offering a 10% discount on its launch and as pledged you can get hold of this exciting puzzle game for $13.49 till 19th April, after which it will come to its original price of $14.49.

Initially, it was reported that Tori Tori 2 will be hitting the market in March, but its date was extended as Two Tribes missed a crash bug. Earlier, end of March was decided for the launch, but during the same period, Games Developer Conference was held in San Francisco and was thought to caste its gigantic shadow on the game, given the fact that the Games Developer Conference heralds plethora of announcements each year.


It took ten years for Two Tribes to come up with the official sequel of the yellow bird stared puzzle game, Tori Tori 2. As before, this game will be replete of numerous adventures cum puzzles that will be fun to solve. For Wii U eShop, Tori Tori 2 is no doubt the eye catcher this week at Nintendo Download.

Meanwhile on Nintendo 3DS, the star of this week is Castlevania, that traces its origin from 1987. It can be readily downloaded at a cost of $4.99 and is available worldwide on Virtual Console. The game takes you as Simon Belmont through six floors teeming with monsters, ghosts, zombies, bats and what not. Take arms as you will be combating every kind of ghostly creature ever imagined.


This timeless classic has to be played by whipping off these creatures while using deadly weapons so that you find yourself in Dracula’s chamber. The game does not end here and delivers a wealth of adventures.

Apparently, a number of other games will be landing on 3DS eShop, such as, Gabrielle’s Ghostly Grove 3D and Real Heroes: Firefighter 3D along with a free title update of Colors! 3D. There is much more to it, such as, escapeVektor can be grabbed at a half price of $4.99 till 18th April.

Not to forget DLC’s four pieces price of Pokémon Mystery Dungeon: Gates to Infinity at $2, $2, $2.5 and$3.5.

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Suhail is a tech geek who loves everything about technology. He is a professional tech blogger on multiple tech blogs and share top notch tech product reviews, press releases and news as they break. Follow Suhail at Google+

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