
Praise is High for New Ford Super Duty Lineup

New Ford Super Duty Lineup

Automotive journalists have nothing but great things to say so far about the all new lineup of Ford pickups.

So what exactly is a Super Duty pickup truck?

New Ford Super Duty Lineup

This is a great question to ask when you are looking into buying a brand new Ford truck. To be exact it is simply the defined named for Ford’s heavy duty pickup trucks, which include the F-250, F-350 and even the larger F-450.

A quick fun fact about the F-150 in regards to its nickname half-ton pickup.

Did you know that Ford had referred to their flagship truck the F-150 as a half-ton pickup initially? That was due to the fact the truck bed could hold up to one half ton of payload. That of course has changed, as most Ford F-150s can easily handle much more in terms of haul weight. This you can learn about by reading on Kindle Auto Plaza.

So what are journalists saying about the Ford Super Duty Lineup?

Many are saying the new Super Duties are incredibly impressive, and some are even going as far to claim their Super Duty trucks may very well be better in terms of performance than their flagship pickup, the F-150. Now that right there speaks volume, as the F-150 is the most popular truck in North America. The reason being it is versatile, and the Super Duty trucks have always been considered niche specific to certain consumers.

This is where the 2017 Super Duty trucks are making leaps and bounds in terms of difference from prior model years, is they are becoming more versatile, and they are expected to gain interest from a more moderate consumer base.

Chances are the F-150 will always be the top seller for the Ford Motor Company in their truck segment, but the new Super Duties will likely improve in total sales, just like we have seen Fleet Sales increasing in the past year for almost every automaker.

Written by

Jonathon Landry - Jon has been an automotive enthusiast his entire life, and has worked with cars for the past ten years as a mechanic in Ohio. Since his retirement, Jon has chosen to share his passion for the automotive industry, by contributing to a number of automotive blogs in North America. He has also been a major supporter of the Go Green initiative for automakers.

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